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Михаил Иванов
Михаил Иванов добавил пост:


About the international tournament with the norm of GM and IM.
The international tournament Radnickichess is held from 3 to 11 December 2020. in Belgrade (Serbia), the Hotel Slavija (www.slavijahotel.com)
Tournament Organizers – Chess Club “Radnicki” -Belgrade
System of conducting
The tournament is held on a round system in 9 rounds.
Time control - 90 minutes in 40 moves +30 minutes until the end of the game + 30 seconds for each move made, starting with the first. Tournaments are held according to the FIDE rules in force from 01/01/2018, using the Anti-cheat rules approved by FIDE, with a standard level of protection.
Health protection measures will be applied in accordance to valid instructions from Serbian government institutions.
ACCOMODATION: Hotel Slavija, ,+38111 308 48 00; www.slavijahotel.com
Rezervation department
E mail: office@slavijahotel.rs

Chess club” Radnicki”-Belgrade

GMI Mikhail Ivanov,

Кирилл Щербинин
Кирилл Щербинин написал 30.10.2020 09:40

С пандемией не актуально увы...

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Пафнутий Мирзов
Пафнутий Мирзов написал 02.11.2020 12:10

А кто-то же туда поедет играть?????

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Риглас Костас
Риглас Костас написал 02.11.2020 12:24

Все на турнир в Сербию!!!

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