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Михаил Иванов
Михаил Иванов добавил пост:

Belgrade Assembly
Belgrade Chess Federation
E-mail: beochess011@yahoo.com


Belgrade Chess Federation and Belgrade Assembly are organizing
XXXIV BELGRADE TROPHY 2020, Internatonal open tournament, from 24th November to 2ndDecember 2019.

1. 500 EUR 6. 150 EUR
2. 400 EUR 7. 120 EUR
3. 300 EUR 8 . 100 EUR
4. 250 EUR
5. 200 EUR

1 EUR= 118 RSD

Special prizes:

-Best senior (65+)100 EUR
-Best woman 100 EUR

Tournament will be played in 9 rounds according to the Fide Swiss System (computer pairing).


Opening ceremony - Thursday 24thNovember, 16:30
1stround-8th round17:00
9th round 14:00
Closing ceremony 20:00

RATE OF PLAY: 90 min for 40 moves + 15min for remaining moves + 30 seconds pereach move

FIDE norms possible.

The player can be free in the first 5 rounds (only once), receiving ½ points for that round, only if he announces it to the tournament referee, before pairing for the next round.

ENTRY FEE:35 EUR; GM play for free

PLAYING VENUE: Hotel Slavija, located in Belgrade, Svetog Save 1-9

ACCOMODATION: Hotel Slavija, ,+38111 308 48 00; www.slavijahotel.com
Rezervation department
E mail: office@slavijahotel.rs

To sign up for the competition it is necessary to send an e-mail to Belgrade Chess Association, to beochess011@yahoo.com

Health protection measures will be applied in accordance to valid instructions from Serbian government institutions.

Внимание: Только авторизованные пользователи могут комментировать записи.